Fleche puce Alpencom Fleche puce News


The Alpine Network moves to ChambÈry


The Alpine Network moves to ChambÈry on the 1st of February.
The Coordination Unit will settle in the House of Mountain and Parks, from the city of ChambÈry.
The new address is:

RÈseau Alpin des Espaces ProtÈgÈs - ALPARC
Maison des parcs et de la montagne
256 rue de la RÈpublique

phone: 0033 479 26 55 00
fax: 0033 479 26 55 01
email: info@alparc.org

The team is made up of 5 persons:
Guido Plassmann
Carlo Ossola
Olivier Geffray
Renate Biedermann
Marie Stoeckel


Seminar on indicators and efficiency of protected areas' management. 11th-12th May 2006 in Italy


International seminar on indicators and efficiency of protected areas' management, organized in the scope of Alpencom.

The programme in English, German, French and Italian as well as the registration form are downloadable on this website.
See in the Menu, under "Downloads".


First ALPARC International Training for Protected Areas' managers - Slovenia - October 2006


We organize the First ALPARC International Training Session for Protected Areas' managers about the Alps in Solvenia (Park Skocjanske Jame)from 18th to 21st October 2006.

-> Target group in 2006: communication and pedagogical staff of alpine protected areas (included staff of the visitor centres and rangers)

Programme in English: see attached document
Other languages versions are available on the Alparc website (see below)


Third Progress Report sent to the Alpine Space Managing Authority


The Thrid Progress Report of the Alpencom Project was sent in time to the Alpine Space Managing Authority by the Lead Partner.


Internship 2007


ALPARC offers a place for an internship in 2007. Main task would be the assistance to the management of this Interreg Project. See the offer enclosed or www.alparc.org


Seminar on indicators and efficiency of protected areas' management. 10th-11th May 2007 in Italy (Cogne)


Second seminar on this topic, after the first session held in Toblach in May 2006.
French, German and Italian versions of the programme are available in the download part of this website.


ALPARC INTERNATIONAL TRAINING 2007 for protected areas' managers - 12-15 September 2007


Second ALPARC International Training for Protected Areas' managers - Austria - 12th to 15th of September 2007

We organize the Second ALPARC International Training Session for Protected Areas' managers about the Alps in Austria (Hohe Tauern National Park)

-> Target group in 2007: staff of alpine protected areas dealing with agriculture and Natura 2000 issues.

The programme in 3 languages versions is available on the Alparc website (see below)




The ALPENCOM FINAL MEETING will take place in Les Ecrins National Park (Vallouise) on 15th and 16th of November 2007. To receive the registration form, please contact info@alparc.org or go to www.alparc.org
Be careful: participants places are limited. Registration open till October the 25th.

This meeting will be the occasion to make a progress report of the project activities, but also to present some outputs and tools at the disposal of all the other Alpine Protected Areas, and last but not least, to organize the future steps, after the end of the project Alpencom, to implement and develop the common communication strategy and tools from 2008 onwards.

Nota bene: as this meeting is not the final restitution, but rather a strategic and technical meeting, the number of places is limited. The final restitution to all protected areas will take place in October 2008 at the occasion of the next Conference of the Alpine Protected Areas, in Bled (Slovenia).


Final Meeting of the project: the partners decide to go on with the cooperation in field of communication


The Final meeting of the project partners took place on 15th and 16th of November in Vallouise (Les Ecrins / France).
The results were presented and discussed, and the partners spoke about the next steps after the end of the project (February 2008). They decided to continue to work together on common communication as a working group of ALPARC.


Presentation of the project's outputs and results in 2008


The outputs and results of the ALPENCOM project will be presented to the protected areas of the ALPARC network at the occasion of the next International Conference of Alpine Protected Areas & General Assembly, in Bled (SI) from 8th to 10th of October 2008.


The project goes on...


The project goes on through the Working Group "COMMUNICATION" of the ALPARC network.

The ex-members of the project ALPENCOM continue to work together within this thematic working group from ALPARC.
They already met on June the 3rd and 4th in South Tyrol.
Various activities based on the ALPENCOM project's outputs and results will be carried out.


Discover the virtual flight across the protected areas of the Alps!


The Virtual Visit Tool (ViViTo) is now installed in the visitor centres (Park's houses or Info centres) of the protected areas partners of ALPENCOM.

Discover the protected areas from the sky and fly across the Alps!

More than 700 informations (points of interest) are available in the alpine space about naturl and cultural heritage, landscapes and society.

Fly and discover also the differences and the similarities of the alpine protected areas !

An Internet Version of this tool is also available at following links, using Google Earth:

>>German Version:
>>Slovenian Version:
>>English Version:
>>Italian Version
>>French Version

(the software Google Earth needs first to be installed on your computer: http://earth.google.com)


España mejor replicas de relojes


Naturalmente, lo más destacado es la fase lunar a las seis, inteligentemente realizada en una combinación de materiales. El disco azul es de esmalte cocido, evidenciado por la leve irregularidad de la superficie visible bajo ampliación, mientras que las estrellas están impresas en una laca metálica granular. El disco de esmalte es una elección anticuada pero agradable a la vieja usanza del material, dada la inclinación de los replicas de relojes hacia la tecnología.
a luna en miniatura salta, siendo rolex replicas sorprendentemente plateada gracias al chapado de rodio. Está hecho de un meteorito que ha sido cortado y grabado con ácido para resaltar el patrón Widmanstätten de los cristales de hierro que componen el material.
