Day : 01/02/2006
The Alpine Network moves to ChambÈry
The Alpine Network moves to ChambÈry on the 1st of February.
The Coordination Unit will settle in the House of Mountain and Parks, from the city of ChambÈry.
The new address is:
RÈseau Alpin des Espaces ProtÈgÈs - ALPARC
Maison des parcs et de la montagne
256 rue de la RÈpublique
phone: 0033 479 26 55 00
fax: 0033 479 26 55 01
The team is made up of 5 persons:
Guido Plassmann
Carlo Ossola
Olivier Geffray
Renate Biedermann
Marie Stoeckel
> Place : ChambÈry
> Contact : Alpine Network’s Coordination Unit -