Fleche puce Alpencom Fleche puce News

Day : 01/07/2008
Discover the virtual flight across the protected areas of the Alps!

The Virtual Visit Tool (ViViTo) is now installed in the visitor centres (Park’s houses or Info centres) of the protected areas partners of ALPENCOM.

Discover the protected areas from the sky and fly across the Alps!

More than 700 informations (points of interest) are available in the alpine space about naturl and cultural heritage, landscapes and society.

Fly and discover also the differences and the similarities of the alpine protected areas !

An Internet Version of this tool is also available at following links, using Google Earth:

>>German Version:
>>Slovenian Version:
>>English Version:
>>Italian Version
>>French Version

(the software Google Earth needs first to be installed on your computer: http://earth.google.com)

> Contact : ALPARC - info@alparc.org
Tel : 0033 479 26 55 00