National Management - Work package 3
Good integration of the project in the local territories and involvement of local and regional stakeholders; good management of the national administrative work to insure the success of the project in all participating regions; national reporting; national co-ordination meetings; management of subcontracting.
Main Activities
Best possible integration of the project in the local and regional strategies of communication and training in environmental issues; good national management and achievement of administrative work and Work Packages? content.
Outputs and Results
It was possible to involve 2 further protected areas within one action: The 2 Nature Regional Parks of "Chartreuse" and "Massif des Bauges" (France) are involved in the development of the Virtual Visit Tool (see WP5) for the visitor centres.
Lead partner, Parc National des Ecrins - R?seau Alpin des Espaces Prot?g?s (France)